Site license administrators can customize their site license by adding branding information and link resolvers. Sign in to your institutional administrator account to begin.
Access monthly COUNTER reports by signing in to the Institution Administration Center. Reports may be run individually and delivered via email or automatically retrieved from your SUSHI server. You can elect to be notified by email when new reports are available to run.
In addition to IP authentication, NEJM Group supports both OpenAthens and Shibboleth for institutions with a site license or archive access. Institutions may elect to use one or both methods of authentication.
Our publishing platform may not support the browser you are using. TLS1.0 has been disabled by our platform provider due to PCI compliance; current browser versions do not support TLS1.0. You may use any one of the supported browsers (such as recent Chrome, Firefox, Safari (desktop and mobile), IE11, Android, etc.). Versions of Internet Explorer older than IE11 are no longer supported because they are not security compliant.
Institutions using EZproxy should be aware that NEJM Group has created a new EZproxy stanza to replace separate stanzas previously used for the New England Journal of Medicine, NEJM Journal Watch, and NEJM Catalyst Innovations in Care Delivery. Please go here to download the latest stanza. In order to provide access, your EZproxy server must be configured with an SSL certificate. A Hosted EZproxy Include File is available for this resource. Hosted EZproxy customers will receive automatic updates with OCLC’s latest version of this stanza.
Please direct questions about EZproxy to OCLC support in your region.
If you need to update IPs, please contact your Ovid Representative. NEJM Group will then be notified of any changes.
Yes, links to these files can be found in the Institution Administration Center.
Please email